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Why It Works: Versatility

Since we are rightsizing specialists, and as many of you or your clients are rightsizing, this week we explore the idea of versatility. In the pages of one of our favorite magazines (House Beautiful) we stumbled upon this image and thought it was a good example of versatility.

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Highighting Our Resources: Cabinets

To continue to provide value-added information to you, our reader, we’re adding a new element to our weekly newsletter:

Highlighting Our Resources

In this segment, we plan to discuss why we partner with the resources we do and share something from their world with you.

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30-Day Clutter Challenge

Spring is in the air!! (At least the birds are chirping and the days are longer.) So it’s time to think about spring cleaning. Here at CMFTO we have designated April as:


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Repurposing Favorite Pieces

Last week we discussed freshening up our spirits. This week, let’s explore freshening up a favorite piece of furniture.

Do you have a favorite piece of furniture that seems to have outlived its place in your home?

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REsponsible REcycling

In recent weeks, we’ve tackled clutter in basements and pantries, sharing our “before & after” photos with you. But what do we do with the more ‘toxic’ stuff that we uncover in the process?

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