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We’ve Crossed the Border!

We have BIG news!

2016 is off to a great start for CMFTO. On the heels of our most successful year to date, we are happy to share one of several new announcements with you (more are on their way).

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How to Move When You Already Live Elsewhere

Sometimes we work with clients who aren’t physically present during the transition process. We recently had one such project, in which the client had already relocated to a warmer climate before selling their Chicago home.

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Starting the New Year Right

Have you been daydreaming about all the changes you’re going to make this year? Started a list of New Year’s Resolutions? Created a plan to hold yourself accountable? Well, then you’re not alone.

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Hoarding – what is it really?

“Hoarding” is a word that gets tossed about a lot when people begin to plan a move or transition, especially if they’ve lived in their current home for any length of time.

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Happy 2016 from CMFTO!

Happy New Year!

As we closed out 2015, the CMFTO team gathered together to celebrate. We raised our glasses and toasted a year of many successes.

In looking forward to the year to come, we already have lots of exciting news brewing that we can’t wait to share with you.

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