At CMFTO, our clients often ask us for suggestions on what to do with items such as jewelry, designer clothing and shoes, luxury accessories, artwork, high-end furnishings, and silver items.
The list could go on and on, but you get the idea.
Read moreAfter living in the same home for 54 years, our client, Joyce, made the proactive decision to let go of her beloved 2-story home and move into a Senior Lifestyle Community to be closer to her children.
Read moreOur 4th Annual Clutter Challenge is just around the corner, and we want to hear from you. Over the years we’ve addressed everything from dishes and DVDs to medicine cabinets and closets.
Read moreIn 1962, Ron and Suzanne Dirsmith bought their home in Highland Park, a house designed by John S. Van Bergen, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. As an architect himself, Mr.
Read moreBy now, most of us are doing our best to recycle on a daily basis. With more and more products being packaged in recyclable materials, it’s increasingly important that we avoid filling the landfills.
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