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Kicking Off 2025 With a Rightsizing Project

At CMFTO, we believe that any move involves “rightsizing” — our preferred term for downsizing, as it more accurately describes finding a space, whether larger or smaller, that better suits your needs.

For our senior clients, who are often moving from a large family home into a condo or senior living community, addressing household items that have been accumulating for decades can be a daunting prospect.

In this post, we’re sharing a peek at a CMFTO work-in-progress: moving a dear client into a villa (a small freestanding home) at Lake Forest Place, a vibrant senior living community on Chicago’s North Shore.

Courtesy: Lake Forest Place

The more room one has, the more one keeps.

It’s a statement that rings true for most of us. In fact, those who are relocating from large homes often find they have to contend with decades’ worth of household items — from large furniture and rugs to artwork and books — as they undertake a move.

For our Lake Forest Place client, a widower with multiple collections, we started by creating a floor plan for his new villa, allowing him to focus on his soon-to-be rightsized space. We then worked with him to take stock of his belongings — before editing and organizing them into items to be moved, sold, gifted, or donated.

In addition to various collections, we edited and organized his furniture and other items in a children’s bedroom and formal dining room — ensuring that only treasured items that fit the client’s new, smaller space will make the move.

At CMFTO, we’ve specialized in white-glove senior relocation services for more than 20 years. Our dedicated team works to make every move seamless for our clients — from planning to packing to installing a complete household — creating a space that feels like home from the first day.

Are you or a loved one planning a move? Please reach out to us to discuss your needs.

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