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Decluttering Made Easy™: Outerwear

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CMFTO™ 3rd Annual Clutter Challenge: Outerwear

Outerwear is something most of us rarely declutter, but it can take up an inordinate amount of space — and seems to multiply every year! By the time we consider rightsizing, we might have outerwear “stored” in several places throughout our home.

We recently worked with a client who faced just this scenario. Her outerwear collection spanned several decades and had overtaken at least three areas in her home.

Because outerwear is a more expensive investment than, say, a shirt or pants, and also tends to be more durable, it can feel wasteful to discard, or even donate, “good” coats and jackets.

So, what do we do when we have piles of outerwear, but our lives have changed and we really only need a few key pieces?

At CMFTO, we apply the same editing techniques for outerwear that we use for other categories of clothing. 

First, consider these questions for each item: 

  • Does it fit?
  • Is it in good condition?
  • Do you need it?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” it’s time to get rid of the item. 

Of course, “need” is highly subjective and depends on your individual circumstances. As a guideline, it’s wise to keep outerwear that:

  • We like and use
  • Is in good condition
  • Serves a purpose
  • Is not duplicated by other pieces

Once you pare down your outerwear to a few essential items, we recommend donating the rest. Consignment is another good option, especially for high-end or designer pieces. 

Outerwear is a clothing category that’s easy to ignore until we’re getting ready to move. However, editing your coats and jackets today will pay lasting dividends. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re not moving unwanted pieces to a new home!

All my best,

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